Don Martin, ACI – ASHI Certified Inspector
I use experience gained over 28 years’ in construction, maintenance, and inspections to do the best job possible for all of my clients. I have inspected over 2,500 Bakersfield area homes, which gives you confidence that I’ll find and identify issues with a home’s condition. You won’t just be handed a report. We’ll work together so that you understand the things that are important now or down the road, and which things are not a problem.
Why Choose Preferred Home Inspections
I take a thorough approach to inspecting every home. To be done correctly, inspection is not a quick process. There are many places in a home that you would never see, and probably don’t want to go. I look at houses from top to bottom to verify that everything is as it should be for your health and safety. If there are issues such as an electrical defect, hazardous wiring, or equipment modifications, I’ll let you know. I take an objective view based on experience, and give you feedback that helps you understand what is major vs. minor, so that you can decide how you want to proceed. For example, standards for building change over time. An older home many not be built to current standards, but may be working just fine. Your inspector needs to have that kind of proper perspective.
I also believe in examining the details, such as simple things like opening and closing windows, and turning water on and off to discover loose faucets. I want you to understand what’s ahead that you may need to address. Buying a house is an emotional decision, so I present findings factually for an unbiased evaluation.
A Word of Caution
California doesn’t have licensing requirements for inspectors, so it’s important to find out an inspector’s qualifications. Some inspectors go through a house too quickly and miss things, so that they can go on to the next job. Working with an experienced, certified inspector makes you well prepared to move forward with a major investment – buying a home.